It is made up of 21 countries, 19 Latin American countries as full members and 2 adherent members, Spain and Portugal.
In 1979, the Statute for the creation of ASSAL was approved in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina; however, this initiative did not become a reality until 1991, in the II Assembly, in which 18 Latin American countries participated.
In 2009 ASSAL obtained legal personality under Chilean law, whose legal name is Association of Insurance Supervisors of Latin America Corporation, ASSAL.
ASSAL's objectives include the following
The exchange of information on insurance and reinsurance legislation, control methods, market characteristics and operating systems in each country.
Collect and disseminate information
technical and statistical.
Promote activities
of cooperation.
Analyze the development
of reinsurance in the region.
Encourage regional programs on
insurance and reinsurance education.
Harmonize policies
and monitoring mechanisms.
Transmit the experiences registered in the member countries regarding specific issues of the insurance industry.